Too many times im walking along, on my way around school, in Rundle Mall, whereever, and i catch a look at myself in a window or a mirror. Turns out my "concentrating" face or my "hurry up Chels your late" face looks pretty much EXACTLY the same as my "totally dont want to be here" face. And it got me to thinking... why do we, unintentionally, walk around our lives, appearing as if we dont want to be there? We could be the most happiest person out there, have had the greatest news, and noone will know. Noone will stop to ask whats so great, and we dont get given the chance to make someones day.

So.. im making a change. I dont want to be that girl that noone notices simply coz she looks miserable. It brings people down, its NORMAL. And if im anything, im not normal! Nope, im gonna be the bright bulb, the random flower in the middle of weeds, the one that happily stands out from the crowd. The one that brightens everyone's day simply by giving a compliment or giving a smile. Starting from right now. Right here. So watch out... happiness coming your way!
Sound like a plan? Yeah i thought so
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