"you've got to be happy, be free, have fun and live the Chelsie life"

and i thought, why not? that old saying of "gotta live life to the fullest coz you never know what day its going to be your last" that really came around to me today. I mean, its true, in so many different ways. There is no point living life being sad or not making the most of it. We need to get out there, put ourselves out there and live the absolute FULLEST life that we can. Sure, things arent always going to be okay. I'd be somewhat stupid if i said they werent. But things always ALWAYS have the potential to become better than waht we view them as. Really. Its difficult, but sometimes the secret to finding happiness is simply doing that - FINDING IT.
Today, for example, i LET myself find it. I spent my last $11 at Officeworks simply coz i wanted to. didnt need any of it, but it made me happy. I let my best friend take me out to dinner- and she paid. which is rare. I had what i wanted AND i had dessert.
Yes they are simple trivial things. but it was enough to bring a little light to my life :)
Just think about it.
Side note- check out Chan's beautiful blog at: