Saturday, May 29, 2010

Living the "Chelsie Life"

Whilst having a lovely mug of white hot chocolate with my darling friend Chan today, we were discussing life and things in general, and something that she said really stuck out to me. She said something along the lines of

"you've got to be happy, be free, have fun and live the Chelsie life"

and i thought, why not? that old saying of "gotta live life to the fullest coz you never know what day its going to be your last" that really came around to me today. I mean, its true, in so many different ways. There is no point living life being sad or not making the most of it. We need to get out there, put ourselves out there and live the absolute FULLEST life that we can. Sure, things arent always going to be okay. I'd be somewhat stupid if i said they werent. But things always ALWAYS have the potential to become better than waht we view them as. Really. Its difficult, but sometimes the secret to finding happiness is simply doing that - FINDING IT.

Today, for example, i LET myself find it. I spent my last $11 at Officeworks simply coz i wanted to. didnt need any of it, but it made me happy. I let my best friend take me out to dinner- and she paid. which is rare. I had what i wanted AND i had dessert.

Yes they are simple trivial things. but it was enough to bring a little light to my life :)

Just think about it.


Side note- check out Chan's beautiful blog at:

Friday, May 28, 2010

A journey of a thousand miles must begin with one step

My parents are going to Italy. Yep. ITALY. i recon its pretty cool- for thier 25th wedding anniversary. Which is sweet year.. too bad im stuck at home. 1st week: exam revision. 2nd week: exam week. 3rd week: okay im going to canberra. But its for school! and still doesnt compare to ITALLLYYYYY.

So it got me thinking... what makes me happy? travelling does. i was fortunate enough to travel to Gallipoli, Turkey in April of 2008 with my school to attend the dawn service. it was absolutely amazing. I really can not begin to describe how incredible it was. And, as my parents start getting their trip planned, it made me think of all the things that happened while i was there, all the growing that i did and all the stuff that i learnt.

So as you look at my pictures.. only a few, and taken by me, just think. where do you recon you'll travel to next? where will your next adventure be?


Singing in the rain

Im a winter girl. No doubt about it. I would much rather the cold, windy, rainy and the dark world as appose to the sticky, smelly HOT world that is summer. Dont get me wrong.. i love the days spent at the beach, or in a swimming pool or the summer fruit. But i'l always been a winter girl. In my opinion, if your cold in winter, you can simply layer your clothes. but in summer when your hot? you cant exactly take all your clothes off, can you?

well. no comment.

BUT anyways. winter. today was the most amazing day.. its the end of May and FINALLY we got some winter brought to little old Adelaide. HORRAYYY!!! this included the darkness of the skys, the layering of the clothes (not so fashionable with the oh-so-lovely school uniform) and the.. wait for it.. walking to my car in the rain. My gosh i've missed that. Just the coolness of it, and the comfort your recieve when your all dry at the end.

Ahh. and the rainbows. i know for me, rain is enough to make me happy, simply because we do not get enough of it. but for others, its the rainbow at the end that makes everything okay :) its that reminder for us, (fellow christians) that God aint gonna send a giant flood again. But simply enough, its the rainbow that is the glimpse of happiness in an otherwise gloomy day


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Chelsiegirl feat. Brookelynn... Black and White and Seipia all over

SIGH. love these shots.. my sister B showed an interest too, which is big for her. absolutely stunning, loving the clothes, loving the shots, but the attitude!! thats what gets me.

sigh. if only i had a talent for taking such a shot.


i love.

whilst on Google looking up (believe it or not) random compliments, i came across these pictures, which i LOVE. love love love! epitome of awesome. seriously, check them out.


School Photo day: Oh the JOY!

Today is school photo day.. what a thrill. Our schools is famous for the lines "TIE YOUR HAIR UP!!" or "goodness me SHE'S wearing a lot of fake tan!". Photo days are always interesting... - SAY LEGENDS (damn straight we are)! SAY HOLIDAYS (non-exsistant in year 12)! SMILE (we are smiling!!!!!!)!

But it these days like this that remind me of other photo days...

Hahaha good old Napoleon :) Photos from this movie? goodness i recon even ours would be better than these! Reminds me of that scene from Suddenly 30: when they all compare their photos? I dont know what its like in America, or in movie world, but at MY school.. we take a second photo if the first one is bad!

So how does this make me happy? well truth is... it doesnt. Well not really. its just a usual day at school, minus complete classes. but its the things that come from this photo day... the PHOTOS. The memories. When i get that final year 12 silly photo, always am i gonna remember how we did not shut up, and barely any of us were ready. and when i look at any of these, im going to remember my time at school.

And THATS what makes me happy. Remembering things and smiling. It may not have been the greatest day, but there were great moments in which made me smile, so that in itself is enough :)


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Oh? so you want a definition do you?


I suppose that happiness is whatever you want it to be. whatever makes you smile, whatever gives you that one piece of hope that brightens your day. For me, happiness is in the smile from someone i dont know, or the text message from that person i've been thinking about. or, true to year 12, its getting that one super duper long Math Apps assignment out of the way, and you dont have to look at it again. Its all these amongst others:
~ walking into a classroom not having done your hw, and then seeing a relief teacher
~ going shopping and having very limited money, then finding exactly what you want- and you have JUST the right amount (to pay for that AND an icecream later)
~ the satisfaction of eating an amazing muffin.. that you'd worked ages in the kitchen to make
~ when the rain starts pouring outside and your nice and snug with a blanket inside.

Sure they may not be the true definition of happiness to you.. but they are to me. And im gonna keep trying to find them, simply coz it'll make me happy doing it :)

And welcome to Blogger...

Well what can i say? I'm new at this. As you can probably tell :) And what brings me here, you may ask? Well im on a search. On a search to find true happiness and to bring it to the world around me. In a manner of speaking of course!

Too many times im walking along, on my way around school, in Rundle Mall, whereever, and i catch a look at myself in a window or a mirror. Turns out my "concentrating" face or my "hurry up Chels your late" face looks pretty much EXACTLY the same as my "totally dont want to be here" face. And it got me to thinking... why do we, unintentionally, walk around our lives, appearing as if we dont want to be there? We could be the most happiest person out there, have had the greatest news, and noone will know. Noone will stop to ask whats so great, and we dont get given the chance to make someones day.

So.. im making a change. I dont want to be that girl that noone notices simply coz she looks miserable. It brings people down, its NORMAL. And if im anything, im not normal! Nope, im gonna be the bright bulb, the random flower in the middle of weeds, the one that happily stands out from the crowd. The one that brightens everyone's day simply by giving a compliment or giving a smile. Starting from right now. Right here. So watch out... happiness coming your way!

Sound like a plan? Yeah i thought so
