Over the last few days, whilst i have not been blogging.. i have been talking about my blog to people. Firstly, my parents. whilst they did NOT like the idea, i gradually convinved them that i have NOT put my last name on here, my address or my bank details on here so its AOK. And as i said to mum.. its not like many people read it anyway.
WELL. i was wrong. over the last 3 days i have had about 7 different conversations about people saying they read this and liked it... in 3 days! one even said she had it bookmarked (love you Nat), which actually made my day. It really did. It means something to me.. ive only been writing in this thingo for a short amount of time, and at the moment have a total number of FOUR followers... but at least my words are getting out there.
Hmm.. so yeah, this blog post is really going NOWHERE, but oh well. My head is a mess- and blogging makes me happy so lets just take that lead and run with it!
i was totally going to finish this post right here- but then i found this picture:

i found it on
and it actually puts a lot of things in perspective for me. i've said it once. i've said it again. i've said it over 3 times, probably- but happiness isnt something that you just get GIVEN. its not like God sits up there and goes: Chels, you're sitting there miserably and are not doing anything about and but ITS OKAY! IM GOING TO MAKE LIVE AMAZING FOR YOU AND ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IT SIT THERE!"
well, he may do that.
Buuuut im pretty sure that a lot of the happiness in todays society is fuelled by ourselves- i'll CHOOSE to think positive. i CHOOSE to do this coz i know it'll make me happy. i CHOOSE to hang out with my bests tonight coz they will bring a smile to my face.
and right now, im choosing to curl my hair just coz i am.
I think thats enough of a mental explosion for one day :) love
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