I really actually think im going to be lost without year 12. or school in general.
BUT ANYWAYS. that is not what this blog post is about. Nope this one is a list.. of wonderful things i will do once i FINALLY have the time:

- Pick up guitar lessons again. once, this was a passion of mine. but truth is.. i kinda suck at it and can only play a total of 6 chords. but once year 12 is over.. i shall have time to (struggle to) play it again!
- Do a barrister and a waitressing course. This will both feed (lol get it?) my love of food and coffee, but also, when i travel overseas in my 3rd year, it'll be easier to get a job :)
- while i think about it.. i need another job.
- TRAVEL TRAVEL TRAVEL. right at this moment.. i got 3 holidays planned. 2 are official :) well, only one is paid for.. well dad paid for it. MINOR DETAILS!
- reconnect with old friend. enough said.
- blog as much as i can. and get my blog out there.
and im sure i'll think of more on the way.

PEACE homies
man i sound gangstaaa :P
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