My Nanna told me yesterday, which was my 18th birthday, that its "okay, because your not an adult yet".
Preeeety sure in Australia im an adult. and lots of other countries. Its only in countries like Madagascar and Chad (which i cant even take serious after "Charlie's Angels")
So here i am thinking that i've officially entered the world of "being mature and giving a toss about the world" but my Nanna does not think so.
Well, no offence to my Nanna, but I still think i am. And im excited! yes it means a great deal lot more of responsibility (cough) but i get a great deal more as well:
- I can drink.
- I can smoke (not that i would).
- As Nick pointed out, i can hire hookers (oh god.)
- I can watch R rated movies
- I can go clubbing
- I get to vote. thrill.
- I get to get a credit card, which would be bad for me anyway.
- I get to be an adult on my library card.
- I can buy fireworks.
- I can buy spray paint.
- I can get an official criminal record.
- I can go to jail.
- I can get married without permisson
- I can get a tattoo
- If i was in Tassie, i could get my Ls. too bad i've been driving for 2 year.
- As Brandon says, i can go into Sex Shops.
- I can make a will.
- I can change my name.
- I can sue someone. and be sued.
- Jason recons i could become a stripper. Ouch.
amongst other things. Its exciting. and whilst MOST of these things are stupid and i wouldnt (couldnt) do now, its exciting that im ALLOWED. its a little exciting.
Chels, the adult, over and out :) :)
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