Something that i have found brings a lot of happiness is risk taking. yeah, it sounds a little bit stupid. Risk = something that you dont know how things are gonna turn out. Right? Right.
Yeah im not gonna argue that point. ANYWAY. The outcome of this could be either really really bad
or really really good.
But i think sometimes be focus too much on the NEGATIVE side rather then the positive side, and a lot of our decisions are based on this fact. we dont want to get hurt, whether that be emotionally, physically or whatever. we dont want to get embarrassed. we dont want to look stupid.
But I really recon if we ended up taking these said risks... we would find something that is absolutely AMAZING. I think a guy called James West or something once said:
"It is a love to risk, in case it does not work out. ah but what if it does?"
And i think that approach should be taken in every context. So what if something bad happens.. what is something even BETTER happens in the end?

So if i want you to take ANYTHING at all from this.. take that approach. do something spontaneous.
Wear that bright floral skirt with that weird top and stand out from the crowd.
Ask that girl out you like.
Go talk to that person you see on the bus every morning.
Eat that extra doughnut that you really dont need, simply coz you want it.
Wear blue eyeshadow.
I dont know, whatever your risk is, do it. for me :) as a new way to uncover happiness.

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