So anyways, im at my bests house, and i havnt been here for ABSOLUTLEY ages. havnt been down south in ages either, but i really love it here. I spent they day running errands, with Christie and miss Jackwee, and spent the afternoon doing random things and really not thinking about what we were doing. it was amazing, i got my chance to step out of my shell and do things i never thought i could do. so i wanted to thanks my girls for that :)
BUT the real reason that i wanted to write about... is the happiness box. im sitting here in Christie's room getting ready to blog, and shes searching around her room putting stuff away, when she finds this box. Then suddenly she claims:
"Oh Chels! i have to show you this, it reminded me of your Blog so you have to look at it!"
And so she hands me a box. a little white box, with black and white ribbons on it, and with "Christie" written on the side. I opened it up, slightly confused to be honest, and inside was a little card labeled:
"Happiness Kit"

Then underneath it was written:
- An eraser to make mistakes disappear
- A rubber band to stretch yourself to the limits
- A coin so you never have to say you have no money
- A piece of string to tie things together when they fall apart
- A button to press in case of panic
- Marbles in case you lose yours
and a chocolate to remind you of the sweeter things in life
then underneath it was a little bag with all the things listed.
now, i knew right from the second i saw it that i would have to blog about it. But its only now that i realise the importance of it to me. Sure, its a little box of things that made me laugh and were kinda pretty funny and true, but seriously....

They forgive me for the mistakes i make.
They push myself to my limits (sometimes a tad bit further)
They have shrapnel for me, just like i do them :)
They ARE the things that are keeping me together when things have fallen apart
They are the ones i do to when i panic.
They're the ones i lost the marbles with... so i suppose they cant really help with that...
And my best friends + chocolate = the sweetest things in life.
Think i'll leave you to ponder that one :)
Recon this ones a win, Nat :)